Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hallelujah- I'm a Senior

Wow, it's really hard to believe that I have been here for most of my high school years (I moved in the middle of sophomore year to AHS!) While I remember slowly counting down the days until I can finally LEAVE this building, I will admit I have had my fair share of memorable events. Reading through some of my classmate's blogs have really jogged my memory and even made me smile at reading some of them. So, here's the run down on my three-and-a-half years here at AHS.

Moving into Cayot's biology class pretty much at the butt end of the semester. It was probably the worst thing to ever happen to me. I got a B- sophomore year. It was kind of depressing.

Girl biting a cop at Fenway Park. Classic. It really surprises me at how dumb some of our students are. That's just something you don't do, ever. Whether you're drunk or not.

Fire alarm being pulled. Every. Single. Day. For like a week! I just remember it being really cold and pulled at the most inopportune times. Come on! Pull it in the summer, not in the winter!

The seniors last year. They were just unbelievably loud and obnoxious. However, there were exceptions.

A teacher who didn't let me go to class even though I had a doctor's note. The old tardy policy was still in place. I had a doctor's note. He didn't let me go to class. I was pissed. I called my parents. My parents called the school. Administration had to come down to release me. Biggest fail of the school, ever.

Friends. While I am ready to just run out of the school and never come back, I have met a fair share of amazing people who I wouldn't have been able to get throug high school with! Some of them I can definitely call my best friends and I actually will be upset to leave them. However, we can just reunite at the beach- not in AP Calc (Thank GOD!)

Going through three different principles, my three years here. Anderson, Harris, Sharkey. While I had nothing personal against them, I don't love them either. They were just "another principal".

Okay, well this was WAY longer than I thought it would be but I guess it makes sense; I spent the last 3 years of my life in this place. It's about time for me to finally leave and move onto the next stage. Hallelujah! I'm finally going to be free.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about the girl biting the cop at fenway!! Haha I feel the same way, hearing everyone else's memories is jogging my memory! Can't wait to leave high school but I know once I actually leave I'll miss it.
