Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden Dead

Late last night, Osama Bin Laden was killed. WHAT? While strolling through the channels, I found myself landing on and focusing on the one about Osama Bin Laden and how he has been killed. I saw a little news footage on this story, but I wasn't exactly too focused on it. However, just 5 minutes ago, classmates were talking about the story and I found out facts that I didn't know before. Mansion. Bullet wounds to the face. Paralysis. Woah, slow down! I guess I really didn't know the full extent of the story. I tried to wait for Obama and his address, but he was running a little late and I was growing a little impatient, so I missed it, but I heard it was great.

I really don't know how to respond to this or if I even had any emotions that this happened. It was kind of just like "Oh, Osama Bin Laden died. Okay." But does this necessarily make me a bad person? I don't think so. This is a man that we have been searching for almost 10 years. Millions of lives were killed to find this man. People are celebrating because we committed murder. Yes, Osama is rightfully killed, but is he really worth the millions of lives of soldiers who were killed overseas? I don't think so. I heard somewhere that Osama was just chilling in a mansion miles away from where US soldiers were stationed. Really, America? I don't know, maybe I'm a little skeptical, but I don't think this event is something that America should be particularly proud about- it should be more of a wake up call.


  1. Agreed! This is def a wake up call. I still haven't heard that many details about his death so its nice to see someone else didn't really know either. America's reaction was far out of control but like i said in my blog, it doesn't solve anything.

  2. It doesnt make you a bad person at all! I felt the same way as you did. It wasnt a huge deal for me as I know it was for some other people, especially people who had been personally effected by 9/11.

    I was skeptical as well because I also couldnt believe that he was in what seems to me as such an obvious location compared to what I had heard rumors of, of being in the desert or caves or whatever.
